Emma Amos

My name is Emma , I live in West London with my husband Jonathan Coy and our daughter Esme. I have two stepchildren Jolyon and Charlotte both married and live close by. We have Rudi our 5 year old grandson. We are all actors and charlotte is married to one. Jolyon once described us as the Coy dynasty but cheaper than the Redgraves!

I have worked as an actress in film tv and theatre for 30 years. I consider myself lucky to have made a living doing something I’m passionate about.

From the age of 50 I attended my 3 yearly mammograms. In 2017 I had a supplemental ultrasound which was clear. A year later I noticed a thickening in my breast and pushed for additional screening. I was diagnosed with lobular cancer in October 2018. The initial diagnosis was stage 1 , 1cm tumour but subsequent scans and surgery revealed an 11cm tumour with 8 lymph nodes involved taking me to a stage 3 diagnosis. I received dose dense chemotherapy with radiotherapy and I am now taking letrozole and zolendrenic acid infusions every 6 months.
I continue to work as an actress but my life has an added layer. A layer of heightened emotions of both fear and joy, fear of the cancer coming back and taking me to stage 4 and overwhelming joy that I’m alive.

I’ve met some amazing people along the way from casual chats to meaningful relationships. Working with LBCUK has focused my belief that we can do so much more to highlight lobular cancer. When initially diagnosed I knew nothing about lobular cancer and found it hard to access information. The world of the internet is vast but to be able to access a site like LBCUK that is both welcoming, supportive and full of up to date valid research is something people in the Uk with lobular cancer should be able to do.

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Lobular Breast Cancer UK is a registered charity in England and Wales No. 1191402 Registered office: 83 Ducie Street, Manchester M1 2JQ