Research is needed to make changes in how Lobular Breast Cancer is understood, diagnosed, treated and monitored.
At LBCUK, we our committed to working in collaboration with and supporting researchers and medical institutions across the UK and internationally. We do this through our role as Patient Advocates, and have worked with clinicians and researchers at Kings College London, the University of Edinburgh, the Insitiute of Cancer Research, the Royal Marsden, Leuven University and the University of Pittsburgh.
In partnership with De Montfort University, we have also begun our own research to specifically understand and identify the needs and concerns of people diagnosed with Lobular in the UK.

Research Library
Rather than duplicate resources, we are working with our international partner Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance in the United States. You can access their comprehensive research library featuring over 200 studies on lobular breast cancer from around the world.
Our Research Projects
At LBCUK, we are working to identify the needs of people diagnosed with Lobular in the UK, especially in relation to the psychological impacts of a Lobular diagnosis. We have developed two studies working in partnership with De Montfort University that focus on patient needs and concerns following diagnosis.
This study is looking at Lobular patient needs and prioritises their concerns in relation to treatment and research. This study has closed for recruitment.
Missed Cancers: Lobular Breast Cancer that has been missed on screening
With a focus on patient wellbeing, this study, led by De Montfort University MA student Victoria Rake, aims to find out the experience of having cancer that has been missed on mammogram.
Take Part In A Trial
As part of your treatment for Lobular Breast Cancer, you may be offered the opportunity to take part in a trial.
Trials are medical research studies that involve people. They aim to find out if treatments work well and safely on patients. They are the best way to find out the most effective ways to prevent and treat disease, and potentially prevent people getting ill.
There is currently only one trial available in the UK specifically for Lobular Breast Cancer patients.
Whilst other trials may not be specific for Lobulr, they may still be suitable for you as a patient. For example, 90% of Lobular patients have tumours that are ER+ or driven by oestrogen. As a result, a wider breast cancer trial for ER+ breast cancer patients may be suitable for you.
Ask your medical team if there are currently any trials that could be appropriate for you, or ask us here at LBCUK.

ROLO Trial
The ROLO trial will test the effectiveness of Crizotinib for secondary/metastatic Lobular Breast Cancer patients. Crizotinib is a drug already approved in America for use with Lymphoma and Lung cancer patients. There are currently no treatments specifically designed to treat metastatic Lobular Breast Cancer so this could provide a more appropriate treatment.
For further information and to find out if you are eligible, you can contact Houman Moghadam at ROLO.trial@rmh.nhs.uk or
Alicia Okines at Alicia.Okines@rmh.nhs.uk
The trial is taking place at the Royal Marsden Hospital, London, but will be recruting at centres across the UK.
Current International Trials
To find out about other specific trials for Lobular Breast Cancer happening around the world visit our partner Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance’s website where they have provided a database of all of the Lobular trials taking place around the world.
Lobular Breast Cancer UK is a registered charity in England and Wales No. 1191402 Registered office: 83 Ducie Street, Manchester M1 2JQ