At LBCUK, we campaign for increased information, more targeted research, better diagnosis and effective treatment guidelines across the UK. For example, this could include running our own awareness campaigns, speaking with government departments, working closely with the NHS or developing petitions to enhance outcomes for people affected by Lobular Breast Cancer.
#22ADayUK Campaign
#22ADayUK is our first LBCUK awareness campaign. You can find out more about the campaign and how to get involved by clicking here.
We want Lobular Breast Cancer to be a disease that the public knows about and is treated as a distinct disease with an appropriate treatment framework that is recognised across the four countries of the UK.
This means:
• more effective screening, detection methods and monitoring;
• more holistic support and aftercare for anyone diagnosed with Lobular Breast Cancer;
• more effective Lobular treatments;
• research and clinical trials that capture the data to identify the most effective treatments for Lobular Breast Cancer.
We can’t make these changes on our own, and we ask you to get involved by working alongside us at Lobular Breast Cancer UK.
Your help may be include sharing information about Lobular Breast Cancer on your social media, sending a letter to your MP, signing a petition, or sharing your own story on our website.
If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us today and we will keep you informed of how you can get involved.
We won’t share your details with anyone else and you can find out how we look after your data in our Privacy Policy.
Lobular Breast Cancer UK is a registered charity in England and Wales No. 1191402 Registered office: 83 Ducie Street, Manchester M1 2JQ